LINK TO PDF : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QCw3CQi31_kEsizj8v-noQGn8CA0Mlp9/view?usp=sharing

LINK TO PDF : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QCw3CQi31_kEsizj8v-noQGn8CA0Mlp9/view?usp=sharing

Before you begin :

  1. Determine 3 - 5 goals. Start with a few realistic goals you can easily attack and a couple big dreams! Start tackling one or two at a time, depending on the size. Success builds up over years of accumulating small efforts.

  2. Brain storm what habits a person might have to accomplish those goals.

  3. Write down what habits would be included, or not included , in your ideal day.

  4. Become that person! Add them to your list and start acting like you are already that person! Keep track of both “bad” and “good” habits.

To start:

Throughout your week, become aware of all your conscious and unconscious habits that fill your days. Jot them down on your tracker. Once your standard week is documented, add in your ideal day of habits from step 2 & 3 , in the order you would like to do them. It can help to do what James Clear in Atomic Habits calls , “Habit Stacking”. You take the habits you routinely do and stack a new habit in between them.

  • For example: Every morning I wake up, make coffee, do the FRC : morning routine and brush my teeth. Two items on my ideal day list , are hydrate more and 30 mins of fasted cardio.


  • I will slam a cup of water while my coffee is brewing.

  • Do my morning routine as my coffee is brewing.

  • Do 30 min fasted cardio.

  • Brush teeth.

  • Slam Water.

At the end of your month add up the goods and the bads and try to improve your numbers over the months!



Contact for questions. :)

Happy Trails,